Hospital Beds

The hospital beds are designed differently to that of the bedroom bed. But what you sometimes do with your bed when you get sick may be manifested in the operation of the hospital bed in its functionality. 

To differentiate, your regular bed basically flat and the hospital bed has added mechanisms to serve different purposes.

A hospital  bed can have its upper portion raised to a recline. It helps the patient up to a recline or sitting position. This is raising the upper torso (or head) of the patient and is called the FOWLER'S Position.  The patient may then be fed in this position in oral feeding. It also helps ease the breathing of the patient.

Many of the modern hospital beds also has the capacity to raise the lower extremities, at times higher than the level of the head. These configuration of the bed can place the patient into the Trendelenburg position.  Trendelenburg position or T-position is a way to manage Hypotensive episodes.


The Department of Health in the Philippines oversees all health related issues including the control of hospitals, clinics and medical devices and equipment. To do this task is with the BUREAU OF HEALTH DEVICES AND TECHNOLOGY (BHDT). The BHDT is tasked to qualify and regulate medical devices and equipment. This is of similar responsibility as the Food and Drug Administration who controls food, drugs, and cosmetics.

Biomedical Engineering - Of Hospitals and Medical Equipments

Electronics Engineering is one of the engineering courses in the Philippines that produces a volume in the engineering profession that is regulated by the Professional Regulations Commission. As a graduate of Electronics Engineering, one of the newest field to get into is Biomedical Engineering. Biomedical Engineering is basically dealing with health or medical equipment. Medical Equipment are those gadgets being used in hospitals, clinics, or at home under medical advice and supervision.

I have been into this specialization after having worked with medical supplies companies. I decided to put this blog up to share some information that I can give regarding this being it not common in the Philippines. Several of the few who pursued this specialization are actually tapped by hospitals in the middle east. But, it is a growing profession. Our hospitals now have their own Biomedical Engineering departments employing engineers and technicians who work hand in hand with the engineer representatives of the equipment provider companies in the country.